T.I.E.S Together for Inclusive Educational Systems is a non-profit, non-governmental organization active in the field of inclusive education
T.I.E.S is registered in Lebanon, neutral politically and non-denominational
Events & Activities
T.I.E.S aims to establish synergies between current and future citizens in order to develop an inclusive society.
How to join and support T.I.E.S?
Drawing on the expertise of 18 researchers from different countries, T.I.E.S as a non-profit, non-governmental organization, successfully organized a webinar on inclusive education on May 15, 22 and 29, 2021.
Among the objectives of the NGO, the seminar "Dialogue on Inclusive Education" aimed at fostering knowledge sharing in both scientific and educational communities and thus contributing to the debate on the issue of inclusive education in Lebanon. In this perspective, 3 themes were worked on in a new format of a registration by team of 3 to 6 people.
The bet was totally successful with the participation of 59 professionals registered for the complete seminar (plenary conferences and workshops). I would like to congratulate the T.I.E.S organization and especially its president, Basma Frangieh, and I look forward to seeing you at the next edition of the "Inclusive Education Development Kit" (October 2021), for which the first foundations were laid throughout the seminar, and at the second version of the REACH Conference (January 2022).
A seminar in three parts, in three languages from the East to the West .... An invitation to enter the dance of the inclusive school.
The meticulous organization of these three seminars, collectively built for many months, supported warm, very professional and scientifically founded exchanges around a shared object: to initiate, support and develop an inclusive school for the benefit of everyone.
In order for difference to become the norm in school and to be taken into account in the schooling of students, we must stretch out our boundaries, accept other languages and share the school space, thus working together and "with", and, at the same time, fighting against what separates us.
Je participai pour la première fois en 2022 à un colloque organisé par T.I.E.S. Ce fut un grand honneur et un grand plaisir d’avoir été choisi par les organisateurs et spécialement par Basma Frangieh pour faire la conférence inaugurale du colloque 2022. Cela m’a donné l’occasion d’insister sur l’importance de l’éducation inclusive dans le contexte de la pandémie Covid et de la post pandémie, en mettant en évidence la nécessité de promouvoir les scolarisations inclusives pour les populations les plus vulnérables qui ont été durement affectées par les absences de scolarisation et les difficultés d’accès au numérique. Il importe maintenant de retenir les leçons de la crise pour la surmonter et donner de nouvelles impulsions à l’éducation pour tous.
On the occasion of the first anniversary of T.I.E.S, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks and appreciation for the amazing work done by Dr. Basma Frangieh as the president. She portrayed high professionalism since our first encounter at the Able Summit held at the American University of Beirut during April, 2019. She put diligent effort when preparing for the Research for Education Accessibility Challenges- Inclusive Education: an Opportunity and a Challenge for Educational Systems Conference in partnership with the American University of Beirut. The conference was a huge success, and included many topics pertaining to students with learning disabilities. Organization of the conference and continuous follow up for guidance was impeccable. Afterwards, there were persistent efforts to give participants the chance to publish their research work presented at the conference in an acknowledged peer reviewed journal.
As a special education consultant, T.I.E.S is playing a major role to relentlessly advocate for inclusion of children with special needs to ensure reducing of stigma and quality education. I wish that they keep up with their excellent performance, and wish them all the best in the future endeavors.
Ce colloque scientifique a regroupé une diversité d’intervenants qui ont abordé des thèmes primordiaux dans le domaine de l’éducation inclusive, visant les besoins actuels du terrain. Ce genre d’évènement permet aux professionnels de se rencontrer, d’échanger leurs avis et expériences et d’exposer leurs recherches. Toutefois, l’exposé de cas concret et de la réalité du terrain serait prioritaire et enrichissant pour les professionnels travaillant dans le domaine. Toutes mes félicitations pour les organisateurs de ce colloque, et spécialement pour T.I.E.S.