Together for Lebanon: First Campaign
This drama worsened an already very difficult economic, social and political situation which resulted in the fall of the purchasing power of the Lebanese pound by more than 80% and the sharp rise in unemployment, forcing more than half of the country to live below the poverty line. The Covid-19 pandemic did not help...
Unprecedented financial crisis, blockage of institutions, explosion of poverty...
Faced with this delicate situation, T.I.E.S. launched the "Together for Lebanon" initiative with the aim of :
- financially support families affected by the explosion,
- provide food aid,
- animate activities for the most vulnerable children.
Thanks to the generosity of the people interested in this initiative and thanks to the volunteers who supported us on the ground, T.I.E.S was able to add a small stone to the rebuilding to rebuild the capital Beirut.

Shaping Lebanon's Future
Nurture Resilience in your Kids, have them dream more, explore their creativity, enjoy playing, and learn to be citizens of the Lebanon we all dream of!
T.I.E.S and Ithraa join their effort and expertise to provide this program to your Kids. It is fun, depth and healing in a package presented especially for them...
For volunteering, please visit the link below: https://cutt.ly/ad9WTHh

Together for Lebanon
T.I.E.S has launched "Together for Lebanon" initiative to support the well-being of the Lebanese children.
In solidarity with all the children affected by the explosion that happened at the port of Beirut, let us partner together and:
- give financial aid to buy toys, clothing, goodies, medications, etc... and to provide psychological follow-up;
- volunteer to set up entertainment activities (sports, musical, artistic, etc.).
Please register through the following link: https://cutt.ly/ad9WTHh
For more information related to our activities, please follow us on social media!

Diversité Altérité Musique - DAM 1

Diversité Altérité Sport - DAS 1

The contribution of parents to the construction of an inclusive society
change representations and overcome parents' prejudices towards children with special needs (SEN),
facilitate the social integration of SEN into the family and society,
become aware of the existence of the many interventions that enable parents to overcome obstacles and difficulties and promote their child's social and academic success,
raise awareness about the rights of people with SEN in Lebanon and the steps to follow to send their child to school in the best conditions,
talk about the different types of invisible special needs that are misunderstood and not identified by parents and society,
view testimonials from young people with special needs who have made a success of their lives thanks to the support of their parents.
The first meeting was held in Basloukit, a village in Zgharta district in the northern Governorate of Lebanon, on 17 August 2019 in the presence of parents and people concerned by the theme.
"Parental love is the condition for the existence, growth and development of the child. […]. It is from the affection he receives, that he perceives himself as kind and that he will develop his skills" (Ringler, 2009).
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Promoting inclusive education through sport
“Life is about taking risks, working through change and having the courage to live your potential. Hiding may not be as painful, but it's not as much fun” (Silken Laumann, olympic gold medalist).
T.I.E.S led a conference entitled "Promoting Inclusive Education through Sport" at the School of Religieuses de Nazareth - Kfarzeina, for students aged 7 to 13 years.
Objectives of the meeting:
- Promote inclusive education through sport;
- Introduce students to difference;
- Respect each other's pace and capacities;
- Facilitate integration experiences through sports practice.
Daring sports despite diversity
- Al Inaya Al Ilahiya,
- Friends In Need,
- North Autism Center (NAC).