Become a member
Individuals or legal entities who have demonstrated their commitment to T.I.E.S values through their actions and commitments are eligible to become members.
Two forms of membership in T.I.E.S are possible: associate member and support member.
- Professionals (social workers, lawyers, sociologists, etc.) or socially-owned entities (research laboratories, universities and/or any organization) demonstrating competence in fields related to the objectives of T.I.E.S may apply for membership as Associate Members. They contribute through their expertise to the advancement of T.I.E.S's work and the achievement of its objectives. In addition, Associate Members may provide an intellectual support to T.I.E.S’s projects through their reflections, experiences and expertise.
- Persons, and/or organizations wishing to financially support T.I.E.S (donations, payment of the annual membership fee, etc.) in its activities may apply for membership as supporting members.
All membership applications must be accompanied by a duly completed form, committing the candidate morally to respect the founding principles and ethics of T.I.E.S, as well as its statutes.
Organizations, universities, research laboratories, schools, associations or institutions may also declare themselves as partners through an agreement.